
Made4More is a faith-based course designed to help you discover who you are in God, what you have in Him and why you are here.

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At The End of The Made4More Course

You will have deepened your knowledge of Who You Are in Christ (Your Identity)

In this module, you will learn about the importance of embracing God’s love for you as the foundation to flourishing in life. Right thinking leads to living right. Seeing yourself as God sees you will open endless possibilities in your life as limitations are taken off you. You will also gain a fresh understanding of the “Multidimensional You” – Body, Soul and Spirit to maximise your potential in life.

You will have clarity and understand Why You Are Here (Your Purpose)

In this module, you will learn about the importance of discovering your purpose by identifying your God given life experiences, gifts, abilities, strengths, and personality style, giving you valuable insights into how God is weaving your story together for His purpose for you here one earth. Through connecting the dots of your life, you will have clarity on your purpose and gifts and know how you can make an impact in the world. 

You will know What You Have in Christ (Your Inheritance)

In this module, you'll learn what God has made available to you to fulfil His good plans for your life. You will learn how to live a Christ-centred life in the Kingdom of God, so that you can live a victorious life here on earth.

Step into your new, a season of thriving; knowing exactly what to do to make your dreams a reality.

Sign Up and start the journey of living out your God-given dreams.


50% Complete

Two Step

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